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Stop Chimney Raccoons

A favorite saying around here is that oldy but goody, “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.”

This is very true in the nuisance animal removal world when it comes to uncapped chimneys.

Uncapped chimneys are an invitation for unwanted animal exploration.  As such, we take calls for squirrels, raccoons, and birds in chimneys.

When we show up we sometimes remove animals and we always recommend capping the chimney.

This time of year and into the Spring, calls for raccoons in the chimney increase.  Raccoons use uncapped chimneys for shelter.  Female raccoons also scope out chimneys this time of year in preparation for the birth of young ones in April and May.

Ryan recently went to a home and removed a raccoon from the chimney.

How do you get a raccoon out of the chimney?  Please click on this link to see a post which talks all about it.

After Ryan got the raccoon out of the chimney and made sure there weren’t any more living in it, he sealed two chimney flues off: that all important prevention item.

This video shows what Ryan did.

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Chimney Caps & Plugs Stop Animals

Chimney caps are often stainless steel or galvanized metal mesh coverings that go over the end of the flue.  This style is very common and effective for stopping animals entering when properly installed.  We put many on each year.

Chimney caps are used to keep rain and animals out when the products of combustion still need to be let out of house.  Whether they come from a fireplace, furnace, hot water tank, etc., the chimney flues are important because they let smoke, carbon monoxide, and other bad products out of the house.  Keeping animals out prevents the animals from making some sort of block in the chimney which could be dangerous.

In the above video rather than put on the standard chimney cap, Ryan actually plugged these two flues.

Because these two flues were connected to the home’s UNUSED fireplaces, the homeowner opted to plug them rather than put caps on them.  For animal and rain prevention, the plug serves the same purpose as the cap.  In fact, this was a more economical choice for the homeowner.

Still, we want readers to understand that plugging these flues requires they aren’t venting anything.  If you are unsure what the function of a flue is, always cap it rather than plug it.

And, as Ryan mentioned in the video, it is never a bad idea to have a professional chimney sweep/inspector consult if you or your animal removal company is unsure.

Chimney Caps Installed | Raccoons Removed | Akron, Canton, Kent

If there are raccoons living in your fireplace/chimney and you need them out, please give us a call.

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Frontline Animal Removal has the tools and ability to quickly remove the raccoons AND prevent their return.

We’ll help you find and install a chimney cap or flue plug that is effective against raccoons and looks good too.

Even if you don’t have any animals now, adding a chimney cap is a great preventive step for all homes.

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FrontlineGuy Dominic Digital Content Creator & Author
Frontline Animal Removal's content author. Sharing Frontline Animal Removal's expertise since 2010. Dominic shares blogs and video all about nuisance wildlife removal through the lens of our company. He shares the stories, tips, and videos of wildlife removal including raccoons, squirrels, bats, groundhogs, birds, skunks, moles and more.
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