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Circumstances Make Squirrel Trapping Difficult

Sure, on a good day you might be able to put some peanuts in a cage trap and catch a squirrel or two.

But, if you think effective squirrel removal is that easy, take a look at this video.

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As Ryan points out in the video, squirrels often do move into some very hard to reach places.

Effective squirrel removal and control takes care of the problem squirrels.  This means trapping at the problem point, not just in the general vicinity.  And, if their entry hole is at the highest point of the home, putting traps there is what it really takes to do the job right.

For the do-it-yourselfer, this means you must possess the correct traps and have the ladders and skills to work on high points of your home.  And in some poor weather conditions…well, you hopefully get the idea…effective squirrel trapping requires a unique set of skills and tools.

Professional Squirrel Removal and Control

If you’ve encountered squirrels entering your home and attic in a spot like they did in the video, we recommend hiring a professional…it is going to be worth every cent of the cost.

In the Akron / Canton / Kent, Ohio area give the professionals at Frontline Animal Removal a call for this sort of difficult work.

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As shown in the video, the black squirrel in Ryan’s trap was captured right by the den entry.  This was one of the problem squirrels.

(For those wondering why Ryan moved the squirrel into another trap…he moved it for transport off the roof.  It took time and effort to arrange the traps on the roof guarding the entrance.  All those traps are secured not to fall off the roof.  Taking them down when the job is done will take some effort.  So the squirrel was put in a transport trap Ryan carried up with him.  The traps guarding the entrance were all left in place until the job was accomplished.)

If you are gathering information and don’t live in our area, make sure the animal control company you hire is going to trap the squirrels at their den entry.  If they tell you it’s not necessary, we advise you to pass on them.

For more on squirrels, please visit:

  1. Main Squirrel Removal Page
  2. Other Squirrel Removal Blog Posts
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FrontlineGuy Dominic Digital Content Creator & Author
Frontline Animal Removal's content author. Sharing Frontline Animal Removal's expertise since 2010. Dominic shares blogs and video all about nuisance wildlife removal through the lens of our company. He shares the stories, tips, and videos of wildlife removal including raccoons, squirrels, bats, groundhogs, birds, skunks, moles and more.
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