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Raccoon Problems:  Why Hire a Pro? #1

Believe us when we say that we get the do-it-yourself concept.  The pride, the satisfaction, the hours surfing YouTube to find just the right video.

When it comes to replacing a broken I-pad screen, diagnosing and repairing the dryer, cutting crown molding…we’ve jumped into many projects full of the do-it-yourself spirit and come out on the other side successful and a little smarter to boot.

But, there are those other regretful projects too.  The ones like the microwave control panel or getting Google Earth tiles onto the fishfinder that have ended in frustration and wasted time.  You know-the jobs that should have been left to someone who knew what they were doing from the start?

With this in mind we contemplate the questions: “Can a do-it-yourselfer with a live trap and some marshmallows capture a nuisance raccoon and solve a problem?”

Of course the answer is “Yes” as there are numerous people (always extremely happy to tell us) who’ve solved their raccoon problems on their own.

But, there are other times when raccoon removal gets a little more involved tool or technique wise and it is better to call a pro from the get go.

In this and two upcoming posts, we’ll present the case for raccoon removal best left to professional nuisance trappers. Here’s a link to the second post.

Raccoon Removal on the Roof

One case where we feel it is valuable to hire a professional raccoon remover is when the raccoons are living in an element of the roof or attic and trapping on the roof is the most prudent course of action.

We’ll present our case in this post and include a video of  roof raccoon job that illustrates our case for hiring a pro.

Why hire a pro for raccoon problems that need to be solved on the roof?

For starters, it’s the roof and that makes everything a little more involved and, yes, dangerous.

Laddering, climbing, and carrying equipment up and down is not for the inexperienced or faint of heart.

In fact, there are a number of nuisance animal removers who won’t even go to the roof to set traps due to the hassles. Good news for you, them, and us is that often the trouble makers can be captured on the ground.

But, that is not always the case and sometimes getting on the roof is a must.

One recent case where a roof job was called for is illustrated in the video below:

Raccoons were in the attic space of an apartment building and making a lot of noise and damage.  They were entering from a hole on a decorative wooden pipe enclosue and had plenty of access to the apartment building roof.  The roof was very steep.

Watch as Ryan climbs up and removes a raccoon from where it is going in and out of the building.  Think about

  • the ladders and heights involved
  • the roof brackets needed and slope of the roof
  • the repairs that need done
  • transferring the animal from trap to trap
  • Getting the trap set and affixed to the entrance
  • dealing with the captured animal
  • removing it all after the job is done
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Catching this raccoon and others using that hole is hardly as easy as setting a baited trap out in the yard!

There are a lot of elements that went into this removal; enough that we believe this raccoon in the attic problem is one best left to a professional from the start.

Raccoon Removal from Roofs and Attics | Summit, Stark, & Portage Counties

Frontline Animal Removal is able to successfully complete raccoon jobs like this one because we have the equipment and experience to efficiently trap hard-to-get raccoons that are accessing a structure via the roof.

If you have a raccoon problem in a high place like this one and decide to pass on doing this one yourself, give us a call.

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Please look around the web site and don’t forget to check back for two more posts in the near future giving other examples of when it’s best not to do it yourself for raccoons.

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FrontlineGuy Dominic Digital Content Creator & Author
Frontline Animal Removal's content author. Sharing Frontline Animal Removal's expertise since 2010. Dominic shares blogs and video all about nuisance wildlife removal through the lens of our company. He shares the stories, tips, and videos of wildlife removal including raccoons, squirrels, bats, groundhogs, birds, skunks, moles and more.
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