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Draw the Line Against Groundhogs

Today we’d like to revisit the idea of stopping groundhogs and other animals who burrow under decks, sunrooms, sheds, foundations, etc.  by placing wire around the base of the structure with the groundhog problem.

Young-of-the-year groundhogs are almost fully grown now and are dispersing.  Therefore, it is a time of year when brand new groundhog problems are experienced.

If a groundhog finds a spot they really like, there isn’t a lot that will stop them burrowing.

Placing wire around the base of structure keeps the groundhogs and other animals out.   It stops the digging under buildings because groundhogs can’t chew through a heavy gauge wire.   Not being able to go through the wire, they keep wondering…away from your property.

A Groundhog Problem Exposed

Do groundhogs cause trouble with their digging?  You bet.  Take a look at this video as Ryan talks about a recent groundhog/woodchuck problem we investigated.

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As you see in the video, lattice to the ground just doesn’t stop groundhogs.

Stop Groundhogs/Woodchucks – Keep a Good Look

stop grounghogsHow does a wire exclusion work?

groundhog stopAs an example, these pictures show an addition that has been added to a home but had groundhogs going under it.

In order to stop animals from going under it, wire was installed all along the perimeter.

The wire extends from the structure (behind the decorative lattice), below the surface, and then makes a 90 degree turn out from the structure about a foot under the surface.

In the pictures to the left and right, a trench was dug around the three sides of the addition.   The area of fresh dirt shows our digging.

The trench was approximately a foot down and a foot out.  After the wire was placed, the dirt was put back in place .  Lattice makes it look good.  Now the excavated area is ready for mulch, grass, etc.

If a groundhog tries to dig under, they will hit the wire and be stopped.  They might make a small mess, but they won’t be moving in.

groundhog under shedgroundhog trappingIn most instances, we do remove the current problem groundhog(s).

This is accomplished by trapping the entrances and exits with traps that the groundhogs have to walk through to enter or leave the den.

To the left is a trap in place right on a groundhog entrance.  The groundhog was captured quickly because it was actively using the hole.

To the right, a typical scenario.


More Help for a Woodchuck Problem

We have more details on our website about trapping groundhogs and keeping them from going under your structures.

We encourage you to click on these other pages for more pictures, videos, and descriptions of what we’ve discussed in this blog.  Please visit:

Our Main Groundhog Exclusion Page

A Deck Exclusion Post

Our Main Groundhog Removal Page

Other Groundhog Removal Blog Posts

Ground Removal, Prevention, and Services for Akron, Canton, Kent, OH

Groundhog problem?

If you are in the Summit, Stark, Portage County Ohio area and need a service provider to solve the groundhog problem on your property, please give us a call.

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Frontline Animal Removal can definitely help.

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FrontlineGuy Dominic Digital Content Creator & Author
Frontline Animal Removal's content author. Sharing Frontline Animal Removal's expertise since 2010. Dominic shares blogs and video all about nuisance wildlife removal through the lens of our company. He shares the stories, tips, and videos of wildlife removal including raccoons, squirrels, bats, groundhogs, birds, skunks, moles and more.
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