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Signs of Flying Squirrels

The Southern Flying Squirrel (the kind found here in Ohio)  is unique among squirrels for its habit of communal nesting, especially in the winter.

Ryan holds a flying squirrelSimply, experts believe they do this for warmth and social benefits. 

Biologists have concluded that communally nesting flying squirrels expend less energy in periods of cold weather.  That is good for the squirrels’ survival.  This habit helps them make it through periods of prolonged cold like the one we’ve just come out of. 

And while communal nesting benefits the flying squirrel, it doesn’t benefit the homeowner hosting this community.

That is because multiple flying squirrels make a much bigger mess than a few individuals!

In fact, the most telling sign of a community of flying squirrels is their urine, poop, and resulting stains from these subtacnces in and on a building.

Take a look at this recent video for an example:

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Clues Leading to Flying Squirrel Diagnosis

The visual signs of staining coming from the soffits and down the sides of the house are the biggest give-away to the presence of flying squirrels.

Another likely sign of a flying squirrel problem is noises in the attic and walls at night.  This is because flying squirrels are the only nocturnal squirrel.

Unlucky homeowners can expect noisy nights as flying squirrels move around the attic and the walls.

Additionally, most squirrels that end up with flying squirrel problems have a number of large trees in close provimity the house.  Flyers don’t hang out on the ground too much.  If tree-to-roof-to-tree travel is available for them, they are much more likely to be present.

The tree connection is explained in this recent video.

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When you put these clues together, coming to the conclusion of flying squirrels is simple enough.

More Videos Related to Flying Squirrels

Here are a couple of other videos which show signs of flying squirrels.

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Akron, Canton, Kent | Flying Squirrel Management

Flying squirrel management is a two step process of removing the animals living in the house and sealing it up to make sure there are no more opportunities for others to move in.

Removing the squirrels and sealing up the house go hand in hand. The squirrels can’t be effectively removed unless all possible entries are sealed. Since they are so small, sealing them out of a known winter gathering spot is a challenge. Frontline Animal Removal is up for the challenge.

If you believe you are having flying squirrel problems and are located in the Akron, Canton, Kent, OH area, give us a call.

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FrontlineGuy Dominic Digital Content Creator & Author
Frontline Animal Removal's content author. Sharing Frontline Animal Removal's expertise since 2010. Dominic shares blogs and video all about nuisance wildlife removal through the lens of our company. He shares the stories, tips, and videos of wildlife removal including raccoons, squirrels, bats, groundhogs, birds, skunks, moles and more.
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